Classes FAQ  

How do I pay for AHE classes?


We accept cash, check, money order, MC, Visa and Discover. Credit or Debit must be on file and will be ran on the 25th of each month. 


What should my child wear for class?


Preschool students must wear leotard (no attached skirts), pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and tights. Boys may wear tshirt/shorts or sweat pants and black ballet/tap shoes. 

Dancers must wear leotard, pink tights, black tap shoes and pink ballet shoes.  Boys may wear t-shirt/shorts or sweat pants and black tap/ballet shoes. 

Hip Hop students must wear sweatpants, jazz pants or shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes. 

Gymnasts must wear leotard or sports bra and biker shorts. No shoes or socks. 

Tumblers may wear either leotard or sports bra or tight fitted tank top with biker shorts. 

What are your term dates?


2023-24 Season begins on September 5th and ends June 13th. 

Summer Session runs for six weeks, beginning two week following the previous session.

Can we still join your classes after the term has started?


Absolutely! We run month to month so children are allowed to sign up at any time. 


Can parents watch?


Yes. Our lobby Is open for spectators. Siblings must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Preschool parents will watch via the lobby screen.


What is your ratio of children to coaches?


Our ratio is 8 to 1. If any class is above 8 children, an assistant will be assigned to that class.